Sunday, January 2, 2011

That New Years resolution post

We all saw this coming. New year, new resolutions; time to sit back and reflect on 2010 and make plans and projections for 2011. In the full-figured spirit of resolutions, I figured I'd take a few moments and jot down a few of my own.

First, a look back on 2010. Twelve months ago, I had just barely started my job in the nonprofit world, the boyf and I had just moved into together and my financial situation was, well, to say it was "in shambles" wouldn't exactly be putting it lightly.

My 2010 New Years Resolutions were:
-To pay off my credit card debt/to no longer receive collection calls
-To fill our apartment with real furniture (not Grandma hand-me-downs from 1975) and turn it into an actual home

I didn't realize it, but by August, I had not only kept my New Years resolutions but completed them in a checklist-like fashion. WAY TO GO ME! In 15 years of making resolutions, that had never happened to me. (I say 15 years because, although I am 23, I don't really recall the need for such things before the age of 8.)

Which got me thinking...why did I do that? How did I do that? I did them without focusing on them much past their initial declaration and I found a way to work their completion into my life without realizing it. Of course I'd hang things on the walls eventually and replace the couch from Grandma with a real one and of course, paying off the credit cards was just a natural step on the way to financial solvency. I even managed to buy a new car. Didn't exactly erase my debt, but it's nice to be paying on a brand new car as opposed to paying for groceries I bought six months ago via Wal-Mart card. Ya know?

So my point is that if I can figure out a way to do this again, to make this year's resolutions as ingrained and second-nature as last years, maybe I'll surprise myself with another successful year. Just maybe. It's worth a shot, right?

So, without further ado...

Curvy Girl's 2011 New Year's Resolutions:
1.) To feel healthier and more in shape
2.) To learn to bake a perfect cheesecake
3.) To save enough money for an October wedding (mine!)
4.) To get married (I threw this in there for a gimme)
5.) To take a few more steps closer toward my goal of loving my body

What are your 2011 goals and resolutions? Let me know below.

All the best in the new year!

PS: Before I go, I do want to share with you this totally sexy plus-sized photo that I found today while searching for something else all together (as is usually the case.)

Had to share with you, curvy fans, because not only is this photo completely gorgeous and comes with a great message, it's inspired me to add something to my Bucket List that I really never would have considered before. But sorry, friends, mums the word on that one. :-) Cheers.


  1. Love the post Emily. Your resolutions are awesome. My resolutions this year are to stop letting people walk all over me and to make life descisions that are benificial to me and not to other people. This is my year to be selfish! ps...I love the photo. There should be more photos of beautiful curvy women out there! =D Happy New Year!

  2. I am shooting for launching my photography site, getting my masters degree, and attempting to immigrate to Canada...again. Here's to you and a fabulous year! And OO LA LA October Wedding!!

  3. By the way, this is Andi! The "Rory y Yo" blog that is not in use, that I made 2 years ago can be confusing as to who's commenting

  4. Andi! Nice to see you on my blog! Awesome resolutions, btw, I recommend wordpress for web building and Toronto for Canadian migration. Mainly because it's only about four hours away from me!
